Work with video views—ArcGIS Excalibur | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Work with video views

You can use ArcGIS Excaliburto view and analyze video layers in the canvas. By default, the video is displayed in split view, which allows you to play a video while having geospatial context of what is being viewed if the video layer contains this information.

Map Panel view

By default, the Map Panel view opens next to the Focus Panel view in the canvas. The Map Panel view allows you to visualize the metadata of the video open in the Focus Panel view.

Map Panel view

You can do the following in the Map Panel:

  • Click Zoom in and Zoom out to zoom in or out on the map.
  • Click Default map view to return to the extent of the video in the canvas or the saved extent of the project.
  • Drag the map to change its orientation.
  • Click Reset map orientation to reset the map's orientation.
  • Click Basemaps in the upper right corner of the view to change the basemap.
  • Click Overview Map to open an overview of the map.
  • Click Map Legend to view the map legend.

Focus Panel view

Hosted video layers open in the Focus Panel view of the canvas. The Focus Panel view includes controls to work with video layers, and you can expand the view to give yourself more room to interact with videos.

Focus Panel view

Expand the Focus Panel view

To expand the size of the Focus Panel view, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Expand Focus Panel Expand Focus Panel in the upper right corner of the view.

    The Focus Panel view expands to cover the entire canvas.

  2. Click Reset to Split View Reset to Split View to revert to a split view.

Work with hosted video layers

Once a hosted video layer is published, you can open and work with it in the Focus Panel view.

  1. Click Play video Play video to play the video.
  2. Click Pause video Pause video to pause the video.
  3. If the video has sound, you can turn the sound on and off.
    • To turn on the sound, click Turn on sound Turn on sound.
    • To turn off the sound, click Turn off the sound Turn off the sound
  4. You can navigate the video by doing the following:
    • Click Jump backward 10 seconds Jump backward 10 seconds to go back 10 seconds.
    • Click Jump forward 10 seconds Jump forward 10 seconds to go forward 10 seconds.
    • Click Jump to the start Jump to the start to go back to the start.
    • Click Jump to the end Jump to the end to go to the end.
  5. Click Update video layer graphics Update video layer graphics and do any of the following to update the graphics on the map:

    These options are only available if the video layer contains the required metadata.

    • Choose a layer color.
    • Click Sensor Location OGC API - Features to show or hide the sensor's location.
    • Click Sensor Trail Line to show or hide the sensor's trail.
    • Click Sensor Sight Line Sensor Sight Line to show or hide the sensor's line of sight.
    • Click Frame Outline Polygon to show or hide the outline of the frame extent.
    • Click Frame Center Frame Center to show or hide the center of the frame extent.
  6. By default, the graphics on the map follow the extent of the frame and sensor.
  7. To change the graphics behavior, click Follow Video Follow Video and do any of the following:

    These options are only available if the video layer contains the required metadata.

    • Click Follow Sensor Follow Sensor to make the graphics follow the sensor's location.
    • Click Follow Frame Follow Frame to make the graphics follow the frame extent.
  8. Click Change the playback rate Change the playback rate and choose a playback speed.
  9. Optionally, click More playback settings More playback settings and do any of the following:
    • Click Display video metadata to display the video layer's metadata.
    • Click Use precision time to show milliseconds in the video playtime.
    • Click Loop playback to loop the video.
    • Click Fullscreen playback mode to expand the Focus Panel view to cover the entire canvas.