Create a GeoEvent Service—ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Help | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Create a GeoEvent Service

With the necessary inputs and outputs created, you can drag different elements (inputs, outputs, filters, and processors) onto the service designer canvas and connect them to create a GeoEvent Service. The connection between two elements is called a route. The workflow is similar to ModelBuilderin ArcGIS Pro, only rather than working with geoprocessing elements, you work with GeoEvent Service elements (for example, inputs, outputs, filters, and processors).

GeoEvent Services require at least one input and one output to publish the service. Optional elements such as filters, choices, and processors can be added to a GeoEvent Service, allowing you to perform real-time analysis and processing on the event data as it is received.

Example GeoEvent Service illustrating the use of an input connector, filter, processor, and two output connectors

GeoEvent Services are created and managed in ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager. New GeoEvent Services can be created by clicking Create Service on the GeoEvent Services page.

Step-by-step instructions for creating GeoEvent Services are included in the Introduction to GeoEvent Server Tutorial. You can also access the tutorial from GeoEvent Server tutorials.