What's new for ArcGIS Maritime—ArcGIS Maritime server | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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What's new for ArcGIS Maritime

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

Available with Production Mapping license.

Available with ArcGIS Maritime license.

The 11.3 release of the ArcGIS Maritime server extension contains several enhancements.


For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, visit the product download page.

Maritime Chart Service (MCS)

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service (MCS):

  • Added REST API documentation to support find, notes, and mcsServiceStatus operations.
  • Additional parameter changes to MCS API operations include the following:
    • The contains and layers parameters are deprecated from the find operation.
    • The rotation parameter is exposed for the export operation.
  • Enhanced logging for loading S-57 datasets with bad geometries.
  • Updated the S-62 agency list through April 8, 2024.
  • The following files are updated:
    • Maritimechartservice\controlfiles
      • crs.xml
      • S57DataDictionary.xml
      • ServerConfiguration.xml
    • Maritimechartservice\controlfiles\CustomPresentationLibrary

      • CustomSymbolMap.xml
    • Maritimechartservice\controlfiles\CustomPresentationLibrary\lua
      • Vertical_clearance.lua
    • Maritimechatservice\controlfiles\S52PresentationLibrary
      • S52DisplayProperties.xml

Custom Chart Builder (CCB)

The following enhancements were made for Custom Chart Builder (CCB):

  • The toolconfig.json file is included to store the file paths that support parameters in the Calculators and ExportWebMap service definition files needed for configuring the web app. The toolconfig.json file replaces the Utilities.py file.

    The toolconfig.json file path must be added to the Registry Key to deploy the configuration.

  • The CCB web app is updated with Bootstrap 5.3.2 and jQuery 3.7.1.
  • Compass rose S4 label expression supports magnetic values in comma and point decimal format.
  • The Calculators.sd and ExportWebmap.sd files support Python 3.11.
  • The following files are updated:
    • Customchartbuilder\ColorPrint
      • Update_pdf.exe
    • Customchartbuilder\CompassRose
      • CompassRose.lryx
    • Customchartbuilder\ServiceDefinitionFiles
      • Calculators.sd
      • ExportWebmap.sd
    • Customchartbuilder\Tools
      • ExportWebmap.pyt
      • toolconfig.json
      • Utilities.py
    • WebApplications\ccb
      • Index.html
    • WebApplications\ccb\css
      • Bootstrap.min.css
      • CCB.css
      • DisplaySettings.css
    • WebApplications\ccb\js
      • DisplaySettings.js
    • WebApplications\ccb\js\templates
      • DisplaySettings.html