What's new in ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.3—ArcGIS Notebook Server | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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What's new in ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.3

ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.3 includes new enhancements, tools, and bug fixes. Notable new developments are described below.

New at 11.3

Change notice for notebook web tools

  • To run a notebook webtool, a user must either have the Run web tools privilege or must be the owner of that notebook webtool.
  • Notebook webtools now support GPDataFile as an input or output parameter. GPDataFile can be specified as a URL to a file or as an itemId for a portal item.

Additional updates

ArcGIS Notebook Server with Windows containers supports Docker Engine installed from binaries as a container engine.

Support for notebook web tools in Map Viewer

Introduced a 11.3, running notebook web tools in Map Viewer is now supported.

See Use custom web tools for more information.

ArcGIS Notebook Server with Docker Desktop on Windows deprecation notice

Version 11.3 will be the last version of ArcGIS Notebook Server to support Docker Desktop on Windows. Support for Docker Desktop on Windows will be fully removed in future releases.

If you currently use Docker Desktop on Windows as a container engine for Notebook Server, it is recommended that you transition to an alternative container engine, such as Mirantis Container Runtime or Docker Engine from binaries, both of which support Windows Server 2022 with Windows containers.


This change will also require you to change from a Linux container based notebook runtime to a Windows container notebook runtime and upgrade your operating system from Windows Server 2019 to Windows Server 2022 Standard or Datacenter.

Change notice for Esri sample notebooks

The following sample notebooks have been removed.

  • Analyze the healthcare provider shortage (Part 1 of 4) — Data preparation
  • Analyze the healthcare provider shortage (Part 2 of 4) — Exploratory data analysis
  • Analyze the healthcare provider shortage (Part 3 of 4) — Exploratory data analysis
  • Analyze the healthcare provider shortage (Part 4 of 4) — Machine learning
  • Hurricane analysis (part 1 of 3) — Data preparation
  • Hurricane analysis (part 2 of 3) — Exploratory data analysis
  • Hurricane analysis (part 3 of 3) — Correlation analysis
  • Time Series Forecasting — COVID-19 trends in US nursing homes - (Part 1/2)
  • Time Series Forecasting — COVID-19 trends in US nursing homes - (Part 2/2)

In this topic
  1. New at 11.3