Merge Layers—Portal for ArcGIS | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Merge Layers


This functionality is currently only supported in Map Viewer Classic (formerly known as Map Viewer). It will be available in a future release of the new Map Viewer.

Merge Layers The Merge Layer tool copies features from two layers of the same feature type (points, lines, or areas) into a new layer.

Workflow diagram

Merge Layers workflow diagram


The City of Los Angeles is looking to restore the area around the Los Angeles River by developing a new park. The park must be near the Los Angeles River, but not within a close proximity to existing parks or toxic release facilities. Buffers around the existing parks and toxic release facilities can be merged into a single layer using Merge Layers to create an exclusion zone where a new park cannot be developed.

Usage notes

Two inputs of the same feature type are required.

By default, all of the fields from both inputs will be copied to the output. Optionally, you can choose to modify the fields from the merge layer using the Rename, Remove, and Match operations.



The field will be renamed in the output. A text box will appear where the new name can be specified.


The field will be removed from the output.


The field names are made equivalent. Values of the field from the layer to merge will be copied to the matched output field.

If Use current map extent is checked, only the features visible within the current map extent will be merged. If unchecked, all features in both layers will be merged, even if they are outside the current map extent.


Input layers may be point, line, or area features, but both must be the same feature type.

Similar tools

Use Merge Layers to copy features of the same type from two layers into a single layer. Other tools may be useful in solving similar but slightly different problems.

Map Viewer Classic analysis tools

If you are combining features from two layers into a single layer based on a spatial relationship, use the Overlay Layers tool.

ArcGIS Pro analysis tools

Merge Layers performs a similar function to the Merge tool.

Merge Layers is also available in ArcGIS Pro. To run the tool from ArcGIS Pro, your project's active portal must be running ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 or later. You must also sign in to the portal using an account that has privileges to perform standard feature analysis in the portal.