Share a web map—ArcGIS Production Mapping server extension | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Share a web map

Available with Production Mapping license.

The web map with AOI layers must be shared to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal so that the MPS web app can access it. To do so, complete the following steps in ArcGIS Pro:

  1. If necessary, start ArcGIS Pro and open the project that contains the web map that you want to share.
  2. Ensure that you are signed in to the portal to which you want to share the web map and that you have publishing privileges.

    Sharing a web map to an Enterprise portal requires publishing privileges.

  3. Click the Share tab.

    The Share As Web Map pane appears.

  4. Provide a name, summary, and tags for the web map.
  5. Specify a share configuration for the web map.
  6. In the Share with section, specify whether the web map will be shared with everyone or your organization by checking the corresponding check box.
  7. Click the Groups drop-down arrow and check the corresponding check box for the group you created.
  8. Click Analyze to check the web map for any issues and address them before sharing the web map.
  9. Click Share.

The web map is shared with your portal and can be used to create a web app.

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