What's new in QuickCapture—ArcGIS QuickCapture | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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What's new in QuickCapture

Features are added to QuickCapture progressively. Those features are listed here by release.

Version 1.18.93 November 2023

Mobile app

  • Arcade expressions for field calculations are supported.
  • Web map layers can be turned off and on.
  • Autosend intervals of 1, 5, 10, and 30 minutes have been added.
  • Data recovery file can be used to repair and submit records.
  • When the map is displayed after capture, but the point location is not updated, GNSS variables are longer cleared.
  • Fixed a bug in which publicly shared projects prompted sign in.
  • Fixed a bug in which all project user input parameters needed to be included in a URL to launch a project.
  • Fixed a bug in which lines captured in layers with optimized drawing enabled appeared overgeneralized.
  • On iOS, Geneq SxBlue II and SxBlue III are supported.


Version 1.17.47 May 2023

Mobile app

  • On iOS and Android, video of up to 10 seconds can now be captured.
  • Callback, center, and action parameters have been added for use in URLs to launch QuickCapture.
  • Added handling of the GPS week number rollover required for some Samsung devices to capture correct location time stamps.
  • Fixed bugs regarding text misalignment, truncation, wrong formatting or language, when QuickCapture is used in languages other than English.
  • Fixed a bug where updates are not shown in the map if the app has been open for more the 30 minutes.
  • Fixed a bug where lines captured at speed appear in the wrong direction when using arrow symbology.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in failure to send records to ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • On Android, fixed a bug in which app linking may not work as expected on some devices.


  • Configure capture of photos, video, or both.
  • New icons added to the Trail management category of the icon gallery.

Version 1.16.294 January 2023

Mobile app

  • Fixed a bug where line capture stops unexpectedly when multiple button groups are open.
  • On iOS 16, fixed a bug where voice control did not work.

Version 1.16.292 December 2022

Mobile app

  • Date time values can be provided in either button or project user inputs.
  • Button user inputs of type text can be populated by scanning a barcode.
  • Projects automatically update when configured by the project author.


  • Specify date time (with an optional default value or date range) for either button or project user inputs.
  • Enable barcode scanning for button user inputs of type text.
  • Configure the mobile app to automatically update downloaded projects for organization users.

Version 1.15.146 September 2022

Mobile app

  • Support was added for the Location Sharing user type extension.
  • Maximum character limits are now honored by each individual button user input that is applied to a single button.

Version 1.15.143 September 2022

Mobile app

Fixed a bug where the project map caused the app to crash when leaving the app running for a long time.

Version 1.15.125 September 2022

Mobile app

  • A button can have up to three button user inputs.
  • A button can have the button user input page shown at the start or end of data capture.
  • A new variable was added: sessionId. A unique ID is generated every time location sharing is turned on.
  • On iOS, Juniper Systems Geode is supported.


  • A button can be configured to have up to three button user inputs.
  • A project author can specify whether the button user input is shown at the start or end of data capture.
  • Create project user inputs from the fields that have a coded value domain.
  • A new variable was added:sessionId. A unique ID is generated every time location sharing is turned on.

Website July 2022

  • A null value (as opposed to an empty string) will be saved to non text fields when no value is assigned to the field.

Version 1.14.71 June 2022

Mobile app

  • Fixed a bug when signing in with PKI that caused app to stop responding.


  • Fixed a bug where a sharing warning was incorrectly shown for web map layers inside a group.

Version 1.14.67 June 2022

Mobile app

  • Edit map now shows other captured records.
  • New variables were added: batteryLevel, batteryState, powerMode, and powerSource. See Device variables.
  • Bulgarian is now a supported language.
  • On Android, fixed a bug in which expected position information from high-accuracy receivers was not displayed or saved in the app.


  • Create project user inputs from project settings.
  • New icons added to the Community category of the icon gallery.
  • Bulgarian is now a supported language.
  • QR code is now available in the Sharing window, even if not shared with others.
  • When saving a project, a warning is given for layers that do not have the supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds capability set to true. See Prepare a feature layer.
  • When sharing a project, sharing of associated web maps and map layers is checked, and a warning is given for unshared maps and layers.

Version 1.13.364 March 2022

Mobile app

  • On Android, when QuickCapture is returned from background, the keyboard displays as expected.
  • Fixed a bug on Android 6 that caused QuickCapture armv7 to crash on startup.

Version 1.13.360 March 2022

Mobile app

  • Map load times for editing workflows were improved.
  • Sort and search for projects in My workspace and Get projects pages.
  • Split-screen views are adjustable (resize with slider).
  • Share coordinates of the user from the mobile app.
  • New variables were added: projectName, installUUID, fullName, firstName, lastName, email.


  • Configure last known location (LKL) only mode for location sharing.
  • Define the category attribute for the tracking and last known location layers.
  • Enable a prompt for the user to improve the accuracy of a captured point by locating it on a map.
  • New icons were added to the Transportation category, and a new category of Conservation icons was added.
  • Set coordinate notation format for the project.
  • New variables were added: Project name, Install UUID, Fullname, First name, Last name, Email.

Version 1.12.104 December 2021

Mobile app

  • Location sharing (tracks and last known location) has been added.
  • Project user input variables included in opened URLs will now populate button fields.
  • Improvements to translations: fixed truncated text, removed overtranslation, added right-to-left placement of numeric symbols.
  • Satellite sky plot is now displayed on Android devices using the internal location sensor.
  • On Android, a subset of the full set of GNSS variables is visible on the location status page when using an external receiver connected via a mock location provider.
  • On Android, a subset of the full set of GNSS variables can now be populated when using an external GNSS receiver connected via a mock location provider. For more information, see Device variables.
  • On Android, satellite sky plot and NMEA log are visible on the location status page when using the integrated location provider.


  • Enable location sharing for a project.
  • When enabling oriented imagery, the project will first be saved before adding the required fields, and a new feature layer view will be created for sharing oriented imagery with ArcGIS users.

Version 1.11.84 September 2021

Mobile app

  • Honor the autosend policy set by organization administrators.
  • Current extent of web map will remain displayed when the device goes offline.
  • Default offline map included in the app.
  • Added power saving mode warning for Android users.
  • Added deviceModel variable.
  • Button user inputs now displayed as a full page.
  • Capture photo metadata for oriented imagery (no longer beta).


  • Organization administrators can specify autosend policy.
  • Manage multiple project user inputs from Settings.
  • Assign deviceModel variable to text fields.
  • Added autosave when switching between batch and individual editing of user inputs.
  • Configure capture of photo metadata for oriented imagery (no longer beta).

Version 1.10.196 August 2021

Mobile app

  • Fixed issue where user could not search a user input choice list.

Version 1.10.190 August 2021

Mobile app

  • Take multiple photos for a captured record.
  • Use multiple project user inputs in a project.
  • Stability and performance improvements have been made for collecting continuous features.
  • Line vertices that exceed the set accuracy threshold are discarded.
  • Slovak is now a supported language.
  • Support has been added for SAML PKI using an external browser to sign in.
  • Added cancel option to button user input dialog, to support discarding records captured in error.
  • Hint length has been increased from 2 to 4 lines for project and button user inputs.


  • Configure button to capture multiple photos.
  • Configure multiple user inputs for a project.
  • Support choice lists for button user input.
  • Time limit can be set to allow update or delete of observations after capture.

Website May 2021

  • Select and apply a button image from the icon gallery.
  • Apply the magneticDeclination variable to decimal fields.
  • Additional configuration (project title, directory, and recovery email) has been introduced when deploying a template.
  • New project settings menu provides easier access.
  • Slovak is now a supported language.

Version 1.9.127 February 2021

Mobile app

  • Split screen functionality now works in both landscape and portrait tablet orientations.
  • Photos are now removed from the device after a feature is sent.
  • Camera flash state last used is now remembered when taking photos.
  • Stability and performance improvements affect sign in, data capture, data upload, and map display.
  • New icon added to continuous buttons to clearly indicate when they are active.
  • Colors updated on button flashes to improve contrast and make them clearer.
  • The Windows app installer now identifies previous versions of the app and allows users to install on top of the previous installation.

Version 1.8.93 December 2020

Mobile app

  • Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 and 10.7.1 is now working.

Version 1.8.92 December 2020

Mobile app

  • Stability and performance improvements affect camera, data capture, data upload, and map display.
  • The app automatically calculates the magnetic declination for use in device variables and photo EXIF.
  • Webhooks are now additionally invoked when line and polygon features are submitted.
  • Link buttons can now pass the location to a survey geopoint question.
  • You can use photo location to update the geometry of the captured record.
  • A free text option was added to project user input choice lists.
  • New device variables horizontal field of view (hfov), vertical field of view (vfov), and magnetic declination are supported.


  • An option was added to enable oriented imagery for projects (BETA).
  • Templates now include related items such as feature layer views, web maps, and dashboards.
  • Configure link buttons to pass the location to a survey geopoint question.
  • Configure buttons to use the photo location to update the location of the captured record.
  • Configure the free text option for project user input choice lists.
  • Assign vertical and horizontal field of view (hfov), vertical field of view (vfov), and magnetic declination variables to fields.
  • Configure label size of buttons in designer.
  • Configure project download links to force the user to sign into the app using an external browser.

Version 1.7.56 September 2020

Mobile app

  • New device variables have been added, including geometry lengths and areas, coordinate formats, photo location, and direction.
  • EXIF metadata is now saved in captured photos.
  • Support has been added for link buttons, bigger buttons, and locked groups of buttons.
  • Support has been added for choice lists as a project user input.
  • Based on the functionality used in a project, a minimum required version of the app may be enforced.
  • Sign in workflow when an AppConfig portalURL is used has been updated.


  • Add and configure link buttons in projects.
  • Configure choice lists as a project user input.
  • Additional button sizes—x large and xx large—have been added.
  • Lock a group so that it is not collapsible.
  • Based on included functionality, a minimum required version of the mobile app will be set when saving a project.
  • Enhance the project preview experience with more elements available in the preview screen.

Version 1.6.85 July 2020

Mobile app

  • Peer-to-peer project sharing has been added.
  • Use the default basemap of your ArcGIS organization.
  • Trigger update notifications for projects by dragging and releasing the workspace page.
  • Map recenters on the user's location after 6 seconds when manually panning while in either recenter or navigation mode.
  • Record and play back an NMEA log so that you can demonstrate your project anywhere.
  • Camera flash is now working.
  • App is now available in Microsoft Store.


  • Automatically share associated layers and maps when sharing a project.
  • Collaborative design of projects.
  • Use a group to configure which templates are available for your organization.
  • Disable the ability to update the location of a point.
  • Create folders when creating a project.

Version 1.5.49 May 2020

Mobile app

  • Improved launch and sharing of projects with app links.
  • Sign in with PKI authentication added.
  • Change unit setting used by the app.
  • Support for webhooks added.


  • Errors and warnings now presented to the project author when saving and sharing a project.
  • Create a new project from projects shared with you or templates.
  • Ability to configure webhook added.
  • Improved app links created for launching and sharing of projects.
  • QuickCapture connector added to Make.

Version 1.4.104 February 2020

Mobile app

  • Split screen to view buttons and map side by side.
  • Map can now always be viewed, even when data has been sent.
  • Autopan mode added to the map to keep centered on the user's location.
  • Ability to predefine a portalURL using (MDM) AppConfig.
  • Reduced size of iOS installation file.
  • Records are now sent in batches instead of individually, making sending faster.


  • Choose Save project as to duplicate an existing project.
  • Online and offline maps can be configured in the designer.
  • Enable and preview split screen.
  • When you create a new project from existing feature layers, buttons are now created using layer symbology instead of feature templates.
  • iPhone 11 layouts have been added for device preview.

Version 1.3.114 December 2019

Mobile app

  • Use custom web maps with secured services as your project map.
  • Use offline maps as your project map (downloaded from ArcGIS Online only).
  • Use projects shared publicly.
  • Typed portal URLs are now remembered.
  • Improvements to the uploading of streaming points.
  • Landscape images are now correctly rotated on iOS.


  • Photo capture can be set as optional.
  • Required and recommended accuracy thresholds can be defined.
  • Configure capture of streaming points.
  • Configure capture of user input for the project or for individual buttons.
  • Share projects publicly with ArcGIS Hub Premium.
  • Automatically map device variables to fields with expected field names.
  • Improved project validation to help avoid submission errors in the app.
  • Web designer is now installed with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 (includes snapshot of documentation for offline viewing).

Version 1.2.114 October 2019

Mobile app

  • Use a custom web map as your project map.
  • Enter a user input after tapping a button to capture data.
  • Immediate upload of data is now available.
  • Improved location capture on Android devices using the internal location sensor.
  • Ability to launch a QuickCapture project from a link or by scanning a QR code.
  • Photos can now be optional.
  • Enforced minimum accuracy for capture.
  • Battery consumption improvements.


  • Manage layers used by the project and set defaults for each field.
  • Edit the project thumbnail, title, data recovery email, summary, description, and terms of use.
  • Prevent multiple line or polygon buttons for capturing data at the same time by placing buttons in exclusivity groups.
  • Generate links and QR codes to use for sharing projects with others.
  • Duplicate and delete buttons.
  • Drag new buttons and groups.
  • The web designer is now translated. See Supported languages.

Version 1.1.50 July 2019

Mobile app

  • The mobile app is now translated. See Supported languages.
  • Closing a project now provides the option to end all active line and polygon captures.
  • Scan a barcode to populate the ArcGIS Enterprise URL in the mobile app.


  • The data source for buttons can now be changed. This is limited to layers that were defined when the project was created.
  • Creation of new groups and adding new or duplicate buttons is now supported.
  • Improved drag-and-drop experience for buttons and groups.

Version 1.0.301 June 2019

  • The QuickCapture mobile app is released to Google Play and the App Store. The Windows and Android apps are also available for download from the QuickCapture Resources page.
  • The QuickCapture designer is available as a technical preview. To provide feedback and follow the progress of the updates to the designer, visit the Early Adopter Community website.