What's new in ArcGIS Urban—ArcGIS Urban | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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What's new in ArcGIS Urban

This is the first release of ArcGIS Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise. In terms of functionality, it is equivalent to the Urban February 2024 release with ArcGIS Online.

Known limitations

The following sections list known limitations of this release.

Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3

The following are known limitations specific to Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3:

  • There is no example city.
  • ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World data is not included when you create an urban model using the USA Default template.
  • You cannot copy urban models.
  • You cannot copy existing plans and projects.
  • The public feedback and internal discussion features are not available for plans and projects.

General known limitations

The following are general known limitations of Urban:

  • You cannot copy urban models, plans, and projects from a coordinate system with metric units to a coordinate system with US Standard units and vice versa. This is due to a platform limitation for vertical coordinates. You will receive an error message when trying to copy to a coordinate system with a different unit.
  • Basemaps that you published in a way that their spatial reference includes a WKT (well-known text) instead of a WKID (well-known ID) identifier can currently not be used to create or copy urban models.
  • Feature services that you published in a way that their spatial reference includes a WKT (well-known text) instead of a WKID (well-known ID) identifier currently cannot be used to import data to Urban.
  • In the Copy parcels tool, you can choose how to handle parcel overlaps. If parcels need to be clipped, multipart features might be created. Applying building types, showing envelopes, and editing parcel edges is currently not fully supported on those parcels. Use the split tool to split multipart parcels after copying.

In this topic
  1. Known limitations