FAQ—ArcGIS Video Server | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Answers to frequently asked questions about ArcGIS Video Server are listed below. If you encounter issues when working with ArcGIS Video Server, contact Esri Technical Support .



What is required to install ArcGIS Video Server?

See ArcGIS Video Server system requirements for a complete list of requirements.

Does ArcGIS Video Server require a GPU card?

It is recommended that you install ArcGIS Video Server in an NVIDIA GPU environment that supports NVENC (encoding) and NVDEC (decoding) for optimal publishing, encoding, use, and dissemination of video services. See the NVIDIA support matrix for a complete list of GPU cards that support video encoding and decoding.

Is ArcGIS Video Server available in ArcGIS Online?

No. ArcGIS Video Server is not available in ArcGIS Online. It is only available in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2.

Does ArcGIS Video Server support publishing hosted video layers?

Yes. ArcGIS Video Server supports publishing hosted video layers from video files and supported metadata files using ArcGIS Excalibur.


ArcGIS Excalibur requires an add-on license and additional installation. To learn more, see ArcGIS Excalibur system requirements.

For instructions on publishing hosted video layers, see Publish hosted video layers.

Does ArcGIS Video Server support publishing hosted live stream video layers?

Yes. ArcGIS Video Server supports publishing hosted live stream video layers from network video broadcasts and streams with UDP, RTSP, AND RTMP protocols using ArcGIS Excalibur.


ArcGIS Excalibur requires an add-on license and additional installation. To learn more, see the ArcGIS Excalibur system requirements.

For instructions on publishing hosted live stream video layers, see Publish hosted live stream video layers.

Can I export individual images from hosted video layers?

Yes. ArcGIS Video Server supports exporting individual images from hosted video layers based on a date and time. To learn more, see Use export tools with video layers.

Does ArcGIS Video Server support high availability or multi-machine sites?

No. ArcGIS Video Server 11.2 and 11.3 do not support a high availability or multi-machine site at this time.

Are video layers supported in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS AllSource?

Yes, at the v11.3 release of ArcGIS Video Server, video layers can be consumed in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS AllSource clients for playback.

Can I connect directly to an RTMP and RTSP stream?

At the v11.3 release of ArcGIS Video Server, livestream video layers can be created to fetch or listen to video stream data from RTMP and RTSP protocols. In these workflows, the video livestream service will pull livestream content from a remote source (fetch mode) or listen for and receive livestream content (listen mode).

Do my video layers created in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 get upgraded to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3?

Yes. During the upgrade workflow, when you install a newer version of ArcGIS Video Server, it will automatically upgrade any existing services created in ArcGIS Enterprise v11.2 to v11.3.

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