Configure an ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) JavaScript Viewer 3.19—Workflow Manager (Classic) | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Configure an ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) JavaScript Viewer 3.19

Available with Workflow Manager license.

Configure application settings

The JavaScript Viewer can be customized to use authentication and custom maps by configuring the application and map settings. To configure an application, and map and proxy settings, modify the deployed js/app/WorkflowManager/config/AppConfig.js file.

The following table lists the various application settings that can be configured:

Application settingDescription


Specifies the REST URL of the Workflow Manager (Classic) service.


Specifies whether to use ArcGIS Server token authentication, Portal for ArcGIS authentication, Windows authentication, or no authentication.


Portal for ArcGIS authentication is available in ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) 10.3.1 and later.


Specifies the URL of the ArcGIS token service. Applicable only if AuthenticationMode is set to Token authentication.


Specifies the URL of Portal for ArcGIS. Applicable only if AuthenticationMode is set to Portal authentication.


Specifies the application ID of the viewer after it is registered with Portal for ArcGIS. Applicable only if AuthenticationMode is set to Portal authentication.


Specifies the default user name for the web application.


The user must be a valid Workflow Manager (Classic) application user.


Specifies to automatically log in the default user when the application is opened.


This applies only when no authentication is used and a valid Workflow Manager (Classic) user is set as the default user.


Specifies the default query upon launch of the application using the query path. The query path includes all the container names indicating the hierarchy, separated by backslashes.


Configuration for the dynamic Location of Interest (LOI) map service. The LOI map service is comprised of the Point of Interest (POI) feature class (optional) and Area of Interest (AOI) feature class with the feature classes being the topmost layers.

  • url—Specifies the REST URL of the LOI map service
  • POILayerID—(Optional) Layer ID of the POI feature layer within the map service
  • AOILayerID—Layer ID of the AOI feature layer within the map service

Support for a new POI feature class was added to ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) at 10.4.


Specifies the location of the proxy.


Specifies the location of the ArcGIS geometry service.

Configure map settings

If you wish to use different basemaps than the default basemaps you can configure the map settings. You can configure the basemap gallery for tiled map services. Refer to the BasemapLayer class for supported types which include tiled base maps.

For dynamic map service support, configure the custom basemap section of the configuration file.


The JavaScript Viewer can be customized to use authentication and custom maps by configuring the application and map settings. To configure an application, and map and proxy settings, modify the deployed js/app/WorkflowManager/config/AppConfig.js file.

The following table lists the various map settings that can be configured:

Map settingDescription


Specifies the properties for the basemap gallery widget. The widget only supports tiled map services.

  • isEnabled—Specifies whether or not to enable a map gallery for selecting basemaps.
  • showArcGISBasemaps—Specifies whether or not to use ArcGIS Online basemaps in the basemap gallery. If this property is set to false, custom basemaps will have to be configured.
  • defaultBasemap—Specifies the id of the basemap to use as the default basemap.
  • customBasemaps—Specifies the basemaps to be displayed in the basemap gallery instead of ArcGIS Online basemaps.


Specifies the properties for a non-tiled map service to be used as the application’s basemap. This configuration is used when the basemapGallery option is disabled.

  • type—Specifies the type of the non-tiled map service. Supported types include dynamic and image.
  • url—Specifies the REST URL of the map service.
  •—Specifies the id of the map service.
  • options.opacity—Specifies the opacity of the map service.


Other configuration options available. Refer to the appropriate map service layer configuration for options.


Specifies the application's AOI map extent on log in.

Specifies the application's search controls for the map.

  • zoomLevel—Specifies the zoom scale to use for the result if there is no associated zoom scale for the result.
  • customSources—Specifies whether or not to use the default or custom locator sources.
  • locatorSources—Specifies the locator sources to use to find search results. Only applicable when using custom locators.


Specifies the navigation controls for the map.


Specifies whether or not to include an overview map.


Specifies whether or not to include a scale bar in the map.


Specifies whether or not to show the map coordinates.


Specifies whether or not to show the map legend.


  • isEnabled—Specifies whether or not to show map draw tools.
  • tools—Specifies which draw tool to display.
  • pointTolerance—Specifies a tolerance window to be built around a clicked point on the map within a certain point tolerance (number of pixels). Selecting a single point on a map is more difficult than selecting a polygon because the mouse click is required to fall directly on the point; this setting allows for a small window of error.

Configure proxy settings

If you are using proxy, configure the proxy setting.

Configure the proxy settings for the application. Modify the deployed proxy/proxy.config file.

The following table lists the proxy setting that can be configured.

Proxy settingDescription


Specifies the Workflow Manager (Classic) Server REST endpoint. Change myserver to the hostname of your ArcGIS Server.

Set up a localized viewer for supported languages

Workflow Manager (Classic) JavaScript Viewer supports the following additional languages:

  • Chinese (Simplified): zh-CN
  • Italian: it
  • Russian: ru
  • Spanish: es
  • Turkish: tr

To configure a supported language, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the deployed index.html (or index.aspx) file.
  2. Remove ‘//’ (uncomment) from the locale you want to use with the application.
    For example:
    locale: es

    Only one language can be configured at a time.

  3. Save index.html (or index.aspx).

The JavaScript viewer will open in the locale selected in the deployed index.html (or index.aspx) file.