Publishing a Workflow Manager (Classic) service—Workflow Manager (Classic) | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
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Publishing a Workflow Manager (Classic) service

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

GIS is increasingly being used on the web. Consequently, many users want to publish their job tracking information to the web as well as use ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) web services in their own applications.

The Publish Workflow Service tool helps you create a Workflow Manager (Classic) service.


The tool requires access to an ArcGIS Server machine that the ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) server extension has been installed on to support the Workflow Manager (Classic) service.

The Workflow Manager (Classic) service is synonymous to a map service; the map document contains the information you want to serve over the web just as the Workflow Manager (Classic) service will contain the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository you want to serve over the web.